Monday 7 October 2024

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew: “ The Need for Dialogue Today “


“ The Need for Dialogue Today “ by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW at the Conferral Ceremony Hosted by the University of Notre Dame 
(St Mary’s Cathedral, Monday 7th October 2024)


Your Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, 

Your Eminences, Your Graces,

Esteemed Chancellor, the Honourable Christopher Ellison,

Reverend clergy,

Distinguished faculty,
Esteemed students, guests and precious audience, 

It is a unique privilege to stand before this assembly of prominent men and women of Notre Dame University—the leadership team, its executive management, heads of schools—its staff and students, in order to receive this preeminent honorary doctorate from your prestigious Institution. We are especially honoured that such a commendation comes from an academic institution dedicated to ‘building bridges’ through its commitment, as noted in its regulations, to ‘integrate and embrace’ differences; to strengthen partnerships on a global level through joint research, so that the student experience continues to be one marked by a broad range of holistic knowledge and practice initiatives; to enhance its curriculum specifically through its addition of international components; but also, on a local level, with an intentional aim to connect with society’s most marginalised. As one whose Patriarchal tenure, for over three decades, has been especially devoted to dialogue at all levels, we take pride in congratulating your University on these admirable efforts. 

Sunday 6 October 2024

Fr. Georgios Lekkas: OPEN TO THE LIGHT

God created the world out of love so that the world might live through God's love, and God could live through the world. However, for the world to live through God and for God to live through the world, the pinnacle of creation, mankind, was called upon to cooperate with God’s love. The God of love is naturally open to His creation, and even more so to mankind, the summit of all His creations. He fashioned mankind to be capable of equal openness to Him, as far as our created nature will allow.

Friday 20 September 2024

Fr Georgios Lekkas: FROM FAITH TO FAITH

Luke’s account of the Miraculous Catch of Fish and the calling of the first Disciples (Luke 5:1-11) permits us to witness the spiritual journey of Peter and his companions as their faith in Christ deepens, and they travel from faith to faith.

Tuesday 3 September 2024


by Archpriest Dr Georgios Lekkas of the Holy Orthodox Metropolis of Belgium

As a result of Adam's fall, time became the place of his exile, with death in exile as his ultimate punishment. Christ, the new Adam, came to this place of exile so that time could serve as a prelude to the "Year of the Lord," and death as the primary gateway to Eternal Life.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Patriarchal Message for the Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year and the Solemn Day of Prayers for Natural Environment (September 1, 2024)

† B A R T H O L O M E W






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Most reverend brother Hierarchs and beloved children in the Lord,

Thirty-five whole years have lapsed since the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate established September 1st, the Feast of the Indiction and opening of the ecclesiastical year, as a Day of Prayers for the Protection of the Natural Environment. This blessed initiative had a great resonance and borne bountiful fruit. The multidimensional ecological activities of the Holy Great Church of Christ today center around the phenomenon of climate change—or rather, the climate crisis—which has caused a “planetary state of emergency.”

Friday 30 August 2024

WATER: SPIRIT AND SCIENCE – Keynote Address by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (Halki Summit VI, Istanbul, August 30, 2024)

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Venerable Hierarchs,

Distinguished participants and guests,

It is a privilege and pleasure to be addressing this opening session of the 6th Halki Summit, dedicated this year to the subject of water in its spiritual and scientific dimensions. And it is with paternal joy and satisfaction that we welcome you to the Phanar as the sacred See of the Orthodox Church, which has initiated an exhaustive and comprehensive series of pioneering and inspiring events for the sake of raising awareness and disseminating knowledge about the preservation and protection of the unique gift of God’s creation. All of you bring specific and special talents toward this end, and it is our earnest hope and prayer that this summit will once again forge new friendships and relationships, while expanding and extending invaluable networks in a world that is hungry for such encounters and relationships.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Archpriest Dr Georgios Lekkas: FAITH AND LOVE

Faith in Christ is more than simple intellectual certainty about the Divine Hypostasis of the incarnate Son and Logos of God. Intellectual certainty about the two perfect natures of the Lord Jesus Christ is only one aspect of the all-embracing reality that constitutes faith in Him.

Sunday 7 July 2024

Fr Georgios Lekkas: CHILDREN OF GOD

God sent His Son into the world so that each of us might become a child of God (Gal. 3:23ff.). Hence our adoption by the Heavenly Father is dependent on our union with His Son. Christ invites each of us to unite with Him, first and foremost by following Him in keeping His commandments, as His Disciples were the first to do (Matt. 4:18ff.).

Thursday 27 June 2024

Sergei Bulgakov: PENTECOST (8th Sunday after Pascha)

From Handbook for Church Servers,

2nd ed., 1274 pp., Kharkov, 1900, pp. 608-613.

On the tenth day after the Ascension of Jesus Christ during the Jewish feast of Pentecost, at the third hour, but according to our reckoning at nine o'clock in the morning, when people usually go to the temple both for offering up a sacrifice and prayer [1] all the disciples were assembled in Jerusalem, in the upper room (Acts 1:13), which was "on Mount Zion", "and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind," (as though from an unusually strong wind)." Actually there was no wind rustling, but the noise was similar as if it were from the strength of a wind, but without the wind." This noise "filled the whole house where they were sitting", - not only of the apostles, but, according to the commentary of St. John Chrysostom, even other believers in Christ (Acts 1:16). In that instant in the middle of the house in the air appeared many tongues as of fire, being carried above the heads of the disciples, dropped down and rested on them. They were not really fiery tongues, but were "as if of fire", i.e. it only had the appearance of fire; they shone only, but did not burn. Directly behind these, or even together with these external appearances, the event followed the internal, completing in the souls of the believers: "all were filled with the Holy Spirit" [2].

Sunday 16 June 2024

SUMMIT ON PEACE IN UKRAINE – A Message by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (June 16, 2024)


War is always destructive.

To remain silent in front of the cruelty of war is a shame! 

It is our duty and mission to defend and promote peace. 

“Blessed are the peacemakers” (Mat. 5:9).